Entries by Veronica (188)

S&L Podcast - #68 - Ad-libbing in Dothraki 

We start dancing about dragons, face an uprising from the listeners, and talk with David Peterson. As the creator of the Dothraki language, he advises us to tell the audience "Anha ochomok yeraan kijinosi."


eReader Nook v Kindle?

Only Reading Finished Series

Alternate Selection

The thread from episode 67, AKA "Let's blame Tom"

INTERVIEW - Starts at 22:01

David Peterson - LCS President (Language Creation Society), creator of the Dothraki language.

David was nice enough to translate the passage on the show and pointed us to this link for an example of some diagramming of Dothraki:

"I will not have your body burned. I will not give you that honor. The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worms will crawl through your lungs. The rain will fall on your rotting skin... until nothing is left of you but bones."

Ánha vazhók khadoés yeroón virsalát. Ánha ochomók yeraán kíjinosi. Ínte vádakhie tíhoa ma khéwo áfilki vi gadimaán. Eyél várthasoe she ilekaán ríkhoya arrekaán vékha vósi yeroón vósma tolórro.


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.

S&L Podcast - #68 - Ad-libbing in Dothraki

S&L Podcast - #67 - Previously, on A Song of Ice and Fire...

We kick off A Dance with Dragons a week early with a quick summary of the important stuff that happened in the last book, A Feast for Crows.  Don't worry if you don't want to be spoiled, we save it all to the very end and give lots of warnings.  But you have to tune in for some great Goodreads discussions, quick news, and of course the Calendar.


Steven "Jumper" Gould's new novel 7TH SIGMA: genre-busting science fiction/western kicks ass

Neil Gaiman Reveals the Future of American Gods 

Machine of Death deadline approaches 


7/12/2011 A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

7/19/2011 Star Wars: Choices of One By Timothy Zahn

7/26/2011 Ghost Story (Dresden Files, No. 13) by Jim Butcher

7/31/2011 Troika by Alistair Reynolds


Dance with Dragons accidentally ships early

The most complex lore?

Gateway Books for Future Scifi/Fantasy Lovers


A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

Speculative World Map for A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE

The Song of Ice and Fire So Far: Part 1 - Ancient History 

The Song of Ice and Fire So Far: Part 2 - The Dragon Kings

A Song of Ice and Fire So Far Part 3: Thrones and Kings

A Song of Ice and Fire So Far Part 4: Swords and Crows


I have to say that I'm very curious about the sound effects others are offering for the calendar & book check-in.  I'm not very creative & don't expect to win.  However I did come across some effects that I'd like to share from www.audiomicro.com.   For the calendar the only thing I can think of is 'page flip by Soundjay'.   For the new member 'reaction cheer by Blastwavefx'.  For the book check-in 'foley book grab by Blastwavefx'.  All of these are wav format & very brief.  Because it's someone else's work, I don't know the legal issues for me to grab their work & send it to you for possible use.    What got me curious the most is the sound effects people are choosing for calendar & book check-in.  That curiosity is what lead me to see what sound effects are out there.

Robert M.


Austin, Brian, David, PanamaJack, ViolinKnitter, Johanna, BravePixels, Frank, Leavey, Lynn, Dinre, Lorenzo, Ian, Ashley, Tero, Alex, Raul, Edvardas, Colin, Gumberkules, John, new Michaels 1, 2, and 3, aaaaand Jason. 

John -- Long time listener, first time caller. First let me say I love the 'cast. I especially love the pace and format Veronica and Tom have adopted. (Note: As I listen, I like to picture them as the VeroniTom, a two-headed book-hoarding winged creature. Try it yourself, it gives the podcast that added extra flair.)


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.

S&L Podcast - #67 - Previously, on A Song of Ice and Fire...

S&L Podcast - #66 - The Hunger Games Wrap-up

Well we've seen ol' Katniss, Peeta and Gale through to the end, and we wrap up all three books in The Hunger Games series. We also have some good book picks to get you through until July 12 when we start our next book, and book-bingers of the world unite!


Congrats to Brandon Sanderson

Jeff VanderMeer's public fiction project: The Journals of Doctor Mormeck

Who should be cast as the leads in the American Gods miniseries?

The Song of Ice and Fire So Far: Part 1 - Ancient History


6/28/2011 Dragon’s Time: Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey
6/29/2011 Naamah's Blessing, Jacqueline Carey (Tor)
7/5/2011 Heaven's Shadow by David S. Goyer and Michael Cassutt
7/5/2011 The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Eighth Annual Collection
7/12/2011 A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

Audiobook pic Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi


The Hunger Games > WAIT A MINUTE

Are you a book-binger?

books I dislike" by good authors.


Hunger Games series
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


Hello to Blindman (came to us from Major Nelsons podcast), Dani, Robert (what is this, the cast of Game of Thrones?), Jason and Vladimir!


Help us with sound effects! T-shirt contest! Send your .wav files of VERY SHORT segment sound effects to theswordandlaser@gmail.com by July 12 to win a Sword and Laser t-shirt!

This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.

S&L Podcast - #66 - The Hunger Games Wrap-up