It's time to wrap up our January pick, John Scalzi's Old Man's War, check in with everyone over on GoodReads, and get momentarily excited for a new excerpt from GRRM...before remembering that its still going to be a long wait for Winds of Winter. Enjoy!
More on our January pick, Old Man's War:
On GoodReads:http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51964.Old_Man_s_War
From John Scalzi's Blog: http://whatever.scalzi.com/about/books-by-john-scalzi/
Discussion Links:
"A Once Crowded Sky" Review by Aaron:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuSKLG61lbk
Reader Comments (1)
So what i found, and will be using come the kick-off, if i can't find the book, is a podcast reading of the book, allegedly with permission of the author. And here it is below:
I will probably be posting this on goodreads also as soon as a section dedicated to it pops up.