Entries by Veronica (188)

Severian has mommy issues - The S&L Podcast #57

We wrap up the Shadow of the Torturer with special guest Josh Lawrence. And there's a lot to chew on! Where did Dorcas come from? Is the botanic gardens a time travel device? Like a Tardis? And what's with Severian's Mommy issues.


Publication delays for the next Ian Tregellis novel


A Storm of HBO Videos

Stephen King has a new "Dark Tower" book coming in 2012

Richard Morgan finishes the Cold Commands

Neal Stephenson's gold farming thriller, REAMD

New Shel Silverstein book scheduled for September


3/29/2011 "Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente Tor

3/29/2011 "Soft Apocalypse, Will McIntosh (Nightshade)

3/31/2009 "A Kingdom Besieged by Raymond E. Feist

4/1/2011 "Sea of Ghosts by Alan Campbell

4/12/2011 "After the Golden Age, Carrie Vaughn (Tor)

4/12/2011 "All the Lives He Led, Frederik Pohl (Tor)


Odd coincidences btw your SF/F reading and the real world

List of 12 recommended dystopian novels on HuffPost

What do you think the Claw is?


Shadow & Claw: The First Half of 'The Book of the New Sun' (Book of the Long Sun)

A comic book adaptation of Shadow


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Severian has mommy issues - The S&L Podcast #57

Interview with Joe Abercrombie - The S&L Podcast #56

Photo by Lou AbercrombieWe have the pleasure of talking with Joe Abercrombie, author of The First Law trilogy and his most recent book, set in the same world, The Heroes. We also delve into the darker nature of fantasy these days, how that thieving leech Tolkien stole all of Joe's ideas and then time traveled backwards to make them look like his own, and we take some questions from Twitter.


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Best Sellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook, to give you a chance to try out their service. For a free audiobook of your choice go to audiblepodcast.com/sword. On Audible now: The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie.

Partner Sticker Fu. Use the code Sword1 and get 10% off the stickers at stickerfu.com.

Interview with Joe Abercrombie - The S&L Podcast #56

The Maester's Path

As you all know, HBO is doing a huge push for The Game of Thrones miniseries (YAAAAY!!) on The Maester's Path, an interactive website where you can solve puzzles to obtain exclusive early looks and info about the show.

The third puzzles came out this week, and it deals with a very important task: defending the Wall.

Join me here, and discuss the puzzles on our GoodReads page.