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S&L January Book Club: Old Man's War Wrap-Up & Your Feedback!

It's time to wrap up our January pick, John Scalzi's Old Man's War, check in with everyone over on GoodReads, and get momentarily excited for a new excerpt from GRRM...before remembering that its still going to be a long wait for Winds of Winter. Enjoy!

More on our January pick, Old Man's War:
On GoodReads:http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51964.Old_Man_s_War
From John Scalzi's Blog: http://whatever.scalzi.com/about/books-by-john-scalzi/

Discussion Links:

"A Once Crowded Sky" Review by Aaron:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuSKLG61lbk

Reader Comments (1)

I'm not sure where to post this on the goodreads section of S&L, but i have a suggestion for people that are unable to buy the audiobook version or a physical copy of the Fabruary pick (Bridge of Birds) or lend it from a library. No bookstore seems to have it where i am, and i have not yet checked the public library, and the iternet pretty much says it is hard to come by. I'm ashamed to say i haven't been there for about 10 years. I probably have to register again. If i can't find it in the lending section of it, then reading it inside the library is the only alternative option they provide, or did 9-10 year ago. And that's no good for me because it will take time awy from wok or home. I'm still looking for it in audio or physical form. Ebook is no good for me because i hven't got a tablet or ereader and reading on the monitor or the phone is not that great.

So what i found, and will be using come the kick-off, if i can't find the book, is a podcast reading of the book, allegedly with permission of the author. And here it is below:


I will probably be posting this on goodreads also as soon as a section dedicated to it pops up.
January 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLaurențiu Roman

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