Entries by Veronica (188)

Voting: S&L Book 5

In honor of the passing of Arthur C. Clarke, we're going to read one of his sci-fi classics. Voting will be open until the 1st of April. Here are the options:


#004 - The Sword and Laser Podcast: Neuromancer Wrap Up!

We're finally back with the Sword and Laser podcast, after a long hiatus! Thanks for sticking with us. Listen in to find the new info about how we'll cover books in the future. Here are the shownotes for this episode:

Winner of the contest -- Xanar!!

sword and laser graphic

She wins a copy of Mass Effect!

Passing of Arthur C. Clarke
Next book will be one of his, voting goes up tonight:
Rendezvous with Rama
2001: A Space Odyssey
Childhood's End
Songs of Distant Earth

Pocket and the Pendant, by Mark Jeffery:
Free audio book on Podiobooks

#004 - The Sword and Laser Podcast: Neuromancer Wrap Up!

Arthur C. Clarke passes away

We learned today of the passing of famed science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke. He was 90 years old. He was a brilliant writer, and many people came to love the genre of science fiction through his books. There's a really excellent article in the New York Times about his life and work. It seems to me that our next book should be one of his, in tribute.