We learned today of the passing of famed science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke. He was 90 years old. He was a brilliant writer, and many people came to love the genre of science fiction through his books. There's a really excellent article in the
New York Times about his life and work. It seems to me that our next book should be one of his, in tribute.
Reader Comments (20)
His memory should be a lesson for all - Suggested for future Rendezvous with Rama (only the first one), Sentinel (2001),
A perfect sci-fi author, with a strong foundation in science, coupled with outstanding vision and curiosity. Formulated perhaps the most precise and succinct motivation for science and sci-fi: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".
"Rendezvous with Rama" would be an excellent choice; the entire series is one of my all-time favourites. There are also rumours regarding a movie adaption of the book, with a 2009 release hinted at.
Also recommended:
Childhood's End
Songs of Distant Earth
Buh...Wh... I was going to suggest the same thing! Not just that we should read one of his books, but that it should be Rendezvous with Rama...!
He did a lot to advance science fiction writing. I'm all for reading one of his books as tribute.
He left us at a ripe old age with a fantastic legacy, RIP Arthur C. Clarke.
If he does not have a star named after him yet, he ought to.
I've read several of his works, but never any Rama and would gladly read any that are suggested.
Clarke's Odyssey books were a major influence on me. Particularly 2010 for some odd reason. That one's just stuck with me. RIP.
I'll second the Rendezvous with Rama request.
We won't see a talent like his in the scifi field for a long time. I think Rama or Childhoods End are excellent choices. I thought Rama one of the best books ever written about first contact and demo'ed his thoughts surrounding an advanced enough civilization's science is indistingushable from magic to lower civ's...
Yes, Rendezvous with Rama is a great choice.
Reading something by Clarke in tribute is a great idea. I've only read 2010 before, and would be very interested in Childhood's End or Rendezvous with Rama.
(Heavy sigh). I miss him already.
What can you say about Clarke? He was so much more than a SF author, he was a mover and shaker of the scientific community. I mean, he proposed satellite communication over a decade before sputnik was even launched. What can you say about him? He was a man that could have been from the future. In fact, brought a piece of the future to us.
First thing I read by Clarke was 2001, naturally. Then 2010, 2061, 3001, Nine Billion Names of God collection, and I believe the last one I read was Songs of Distant Earth, a positively fascinating look at interstellar colonization. Anyone else read that here? I recommend it.
I have never read Rendezvous with Rama, and I'm really excited now.
Let's do this.
I would be interested in reading "Childhood's End'; it is the one critically acclaimed book of his that I have not yet had the opportunity to settle into.
I would like to read "Rendezvous with Rama" as I have already read (and loved) "Childhood's End".
One of the first few Sci-fi books I read was a collection of short stories. The one that I enjoyed and remembered most was by Clarke, "The Star". I made a note to myself then to read more of his work.
It is sad that he is gone, but comforting to know he lived to be 90 and was able to share his dreams with so many.
I can go with “Rendezvous with Rama”, but consider too "Tales from the White Hart"
[...] of Arthur C. Clarke Next book will be one of his, voting goes up tonight: Rendezvous with Rama 2001: A Space Odyssey [...]
I would like to read "Childhood's End".
[...] honor of the passing of Arthur C. Clarke, we’re going to read one of his sci-fi classics. Voting will be open until the 1st of April. [...]
I read one of his short stories ages ago that made me think I might accidentally write a computer program that could end the world -don't remember the name of the story, just that it was very short. His short stories were often thought-provoking.
Has anyone ever played Rendezvous with Rama on an Apple IIc? I still have the game but not the computer.
I would love to do "Childhood's End" It would get me started with this group instead of just watching it!