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The Sword and Laser Podcast: Neuromancer Ch. 1-2

We said that one day Tom and I would start a podcast for the book club, and that day has come! On our first episode, we talk about the first two chapters of Neuromancer, and discuss some ideas for the show in the future! Please leave us some comments or suggestions below.

The Sword and Laser Podcast: Neuromancer Ch. 1-2

Reader Comments (13)

Tom, you're like the next Leo Laporte podcast whore!

February 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris

I love the idea of a companion podcast.

I would like to hear some roundtable discussion with some of the more verbally competent members of the readership, moderated by Professor Veronitom. That would be a nice extension of what's happening in the forums, and would complete the fantasy in my mind of this whole thing as a return to college.

Can anyone hang out in the back during the recordings and reek of patchouli?

February 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteraldenoneil

First off, can you get Molly to join? Then you could maybe discuss tech news and other fun stuff...
Secondly, your site seems to cater to people who love to read, why is there such a delay between books?
Awesome Job!!!

February 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJacob

The sex scene in the start of the book. I dont think its communicated well but Molly had seen a profile on Case. The reference was made that she felt like she knew who he was based on that profile. Also, later on in the book you'll start to see that these people werent chosen by chance. They are basically either direct compliments or foils for one another. The straylight run is meant to resolve itself in some way or another when its over. Some of the characters are supposed to make it and others are supposed to be destroyed after playing their part.

It feels strange in the first part of the book but it becomes a rhythm for that relationship between Mol and Case as time goes on. They go to the first couple places and walk around doing unnecessary crap basically until Armitage gives them something to do.

February 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPope.

I love the podcast. I've never belonged to a "book club" before, but the podcast recap is awesome. Its really cool to compare each others interpretation of the chapters. Keep it up.

February 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCory

Good show, guys. I think the Internet is a great way to organize a book club. I would love to see some reader/user involvement like aldenoneil said. Maybe just create a S&L Skype account and call out to a couple people each episode?

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

February 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMiles

Nice podcast. Neuromancer is the perfect choice; I read it for the first time in high school, the year after it came out.

It's one of those books that was so totally transformative for me and my friends, we'd read it over and again; it really shaped a lot of attitudes in general during those bleak, bleak Reagan years (and in turn, I think, you can see how those years shaped the world Gibson created).

I think it might be interesting to take one of two different tacks since you've started with this as the first walk-thru: follow the evolution of 'cyber' in fiction with a series of related work (in chronological order?). Or: do more Gibson. Burning Chrome is absolutely fabulous, and you can see the kernel that became Neuromancer in the title story. As much as I liked Neuromancer and the books that followed in that series, Burning Chrome was really the book that made me a Gibson fan.

Great podcast, looking forward to more.

February 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commentervinayd

Fantastic! Gonna keep it simple and local, or any thoughts about getting it added to iTunes and such?

February 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJim H. Moreno

Nice show guys. I liked the style of the presentation you guys gave.

February 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

[...] The Sword and Laser podcast! [via The Sword and Laser] [...]

February 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYear Of The Hamster « ci

A great first podcast, if too brief for my taste! Actually it was just fine, and fit perfectly into the time frame of my tram ride to work. I know you two are busy with stuff that probably pays better, but I hope that you keep them coming.

You two had your "first episode" voices in high gear but we know you two will find your rhythm :)

Neuromancer is a great book, give it time! There is so much to talk about in later chapters; we'll get to move on from uncomfortable sexual encounters to the meaning of conscious thought, which should make for a better podcast. Can't wait for discussions on a certain pair of computer programs.

February 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCol

What a book, and the podcast, outstanding. I think the hardest part of reading this book is getting to know the vernacular. For example, I had an idea that "The Sprawl" was a city, but I didn't pick up that it was a specific area. Sorry almost listed a "spoiler" there.

Veronica and Tom, excellent podcast. Short enough to be easily listened to and long enough to be substantial.

BTW, I heard about the website from the Geekdads podcast. Blame them for me being here.


February 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeekDad_4WD

For some reason I cannot download the whole podcast. From the site I'm only getting about half. On ITunes I'm only getting a few seconds. Anyone have any thoughts as to why?

March 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChiliMac

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