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#005 - The S&L Podcast: Childhood's End (the beginning!)

How convinient! The 5th episode of the podcast falls on the eve of our 5th book, Childhood's End! Here are the show notes for today's episode:

Arthur C. Clarke
Built first telescope at 13.
Great fan of "Astounding Stories"
Served in Air Force through World War II
Attended King's College London and took a degree in physics and mathematics
Prelude To Space was published in 1951 (First published novel)
Also published a short story called "The Sentinel" which inspired Stanley Kubrick to make 2001: A Space Odyssey.
May don't realize 2001 the book is a novelization of the movie.
Won the Hugo and Nebula awards for 1973 Rendezvous with Rama
He was Knighted in 1998

Comments from Childhood's End Group

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#005 - The S&L Podcast: Childhood's End (the beginning!)

Reader Comments (6)

Just a note. 2001 the book is not really a novelization of the movie. Clarke mentioned in several writings including, I think, the foreword, that he wrote the book at the same time the script was being written and the movie filmed. He described the process as being interactive and providing feedback in both directions.

He said it was a stimulating way to write a book but probably not one he would be able to repeat.

Great podcast. Thanks.

April 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRon

I enjoyed the podcast.

I am one of those type of people that likes to know as little as possible about a book or movie before I read/watch it. I usually don't even read the description in the book jacket. I really enjoy surprises, which is part of the reason I liked this book so much. Plus it was cool to see where many sci-fi scenes got their inspiration from. I will probably skip the podcasts for books I haven't read in order to know as little about them as I read.

And speaking of 2001, I found that I enjoyed the book much more then the movie. I enjoy wondering what is going on while I watch a movie, but I want to have things explained in the end.

April 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick

Listened to #005 Sunday afternoon ... and I am one of those people that prefers to buy the hardcover and then remove the jacket until I finish reading. I guess I really want the jacket to keep that brand new look?!?

Enjoying the podcasts, keep it up!

April 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCarl

Carl, Same here. I remove the dust jacket while reading. I figure it's not going to collect dust while I am reading it.

Nick, I have a tendency not to read too much before I purchase a book either. I guess I like surprises.

April 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeekDad_4WD

My wife has a little library and decided all the hardcovers look better without the dust jackets altogether. I have to agree.

April 12, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjude

Well, we are near the end of another book and now I am more than ready for some Sword. I've had my fill of Laser.

April 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeekDad_4WD

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