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Unshapely Things by Mark Del Franco
As compared to Dresden Files?
Let's turn to some forum comments from swordandlaser.ning.com!
terpkristin wasn't really excited about this choice but got it anyway she says "dang, that was quite a happy surprise. I think I'm going to get the next book in the Connor Grey series. Did anybody else have any expectations going in? Were you surprised (in a good way or bad)?"
Rick had the opposite reaction. He was jazzed to read it but... "I read through it in three days, and while the read was quick and easy, it just struck me as a not very well done Dresden Files clone. I was so disappointed. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but for me, I won't be looking for any more del Franco books in the near future."
Sam! said "As far as this one went, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Fun characters and a story that hooked me. I was particularly fond of Meryl. Actually, without saying too much, I found his female characterizations to be almost unanimously stronger than his male cast (aside from Joe, perhaps). Also, I was really satisfied with the ending, but there was still enough left unexplored and unanswered that I want to know what happens to Mr. Grey next."
GeekDad_4WD - "I think he is setting up a whole series of books starting with this one. I did not think the characters were stiff or flat. I think del Franco is waiting for the next book or two to really develop them. And I enjoyed the allusions to a past planet/existence/world concept."
Jimbo - "The only real issue I have with the novel is that it hints at past events, the convergence and fey conflict in WWII, that I find far more interesting than the main story. There are so many possibilities for interesting plots in the convergence. I also want to know what a fey war would be like. Would it be just magic or would they use human weapons also? I want to know!"
Next Book?
A dictatorship! Oh yes indeed.
Also, Tom loves WoW.
Reader Comments (12)
So, I definitely recommend switching to The Dresden Files ... immediatly. In fact, listen to James Marsters (Spike circa Buffy fame) read it, and it will all be over. Really, one of the best audio books I've heard. There are 10 books in the series, (The first four on AudioBooks) and once I started, I couldn't stop.
Some of the Best....that is
[...] recent podcast reviews/discusses Mark Del Franco’s, “Unshapely Things”. Check it [...]
I'm so new to this... I just got the Unshapely THings book, and now you're onto the next one? How do I figure out which one comes next?
I think you guys nailed the book as far as it was a good book for a forst effort. To me this is a classic buy for paperback and for days where I just need something to pass time but it doesn't take a huge committment to read if I can't come back to it right away.....I like the idea of throwing up 4 different books for a poll.....I nominate Charles Stross "Halting State" as an option.....I also am willing to commit to the Neal Stphenson book in September.
I really enjoyed this book. It was light but flowed nicely . I had a hard time putting it down but had to if I want to work...change that to have to work. I heard that Robert Aspirin recently passed away... so maybe one of his books might be nice to do next.
Good show! I think that for me, Unshapely Things was more like candy, something I could read to hold me over, but tasty enough that I want more. However, if there's one thing I'm taking out of this episode and the various forum postings, I'm going to have to make some time for the Dresden files at some point "soon."
I'm DEFINITELY interested in doing Neal Stephenson's new book in September. I was going to be a Day-1 buyer anyway. I wish I was cool enough like Leo to be able to get a pre-release copy.
Hey Tom, I think you started playing WoW, just so you could talk to Kurt Schilling. He seems like an interesting guy from what I've heard on The Instance podcasts.
I skipped this book, the genre just didn't appeal to me. I read parts 2 and 3 of the Golden Compass instead.
Eagerly awaiting the next one though.
I loved the book. And I went out to my neighbor hood independent bookstore and scored a copy of Unquiet Dreams for $3 (with coupon). No shipping and handling. And sh1mm3r, no we are not reading the next book as a club. I am reading it personally because I like the author and like the style. Go ahead and read "Unshapely Things" and enjoy. It's a good and easy read. Not too deep and for me, was hard to put down.
So what be the dictator's decrees?
T & V -- you really need to read the Dresden Files. The first few are a bit cliche, but they are setting up these cliches to be undermined and altered later. The writing really improves & the plots/setting are great. I think they are the best urban fantasy going (or Elf Noir if you must...). Came late to the party, but I'll pick up Unshapely Things and see how it compares.
ahhh... my bad. just listened to #004, and you have read the Dresden Files. Ooops!! glad you liked them though :-)