Dragon*Con plans unveiled - The S&L Podcast #040
So we announce the details on our LIVE Sword and Laser recording (yes live recording, I know) on Sunday September 5 at 4 PM, as well as our Sword and Laser meetup! (details below). We also bring news of time travel, murderous novel characters, and HUGE novels worth the tackling.
Unwritten 2: pulse-pounding graphic novel shows the grim and selfish ways that people use stories
China Miéville explains theology, magic, and why JJ Abrams hates you
Interview with zombie books author Max Brooks
Escaping the time machine in Charles Yu's "How To Live Safely In A Science Fictional Universe"
Heinlein memoir: LEARNING CURVE - the secret history of science fiction
This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Best Sellers. For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook, to give you a chance to try out their service. For a free audiobook of your choice go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.
Tom recommends The Dark Tower by Stephen King
BARE YOUR SWORD - feedback from the audience
2005 Movie script for TMHM
What Else Are You Reading? August 2010 Edition
Mighty Tomes You Plan to Read... eventually
Greetings Veronica and Tom,
Imagine my surprise during the most recent episode's discussion of great television and literary crossovers when you failed to mention what has to be the single greatest crossover event in literary history:
Planet X by Michael Jan Friedman, featuring the crew of Jean-Luc Picard's USS Enterprise and Professor Xavier's mighty mutants, the X-Men.
A case of fan fiction gone legit?
Thanks for the show. I enjoy it a great deal.
Sword and Laser will record in front of a live studio audience at 4 PM Sunday, September 5 at the International North – Hyatt. Joining us will be special guest David Gerrold. The entire Dragon*Con podcasting track can be found here.
We'll also be tagging along for the TWiT meetup at 6 PM at the Sun Dial Restaurant and Bar Saturday September 4. T-shirts and pens galore!
RSVP on the Goodreads event page!
Don't forget our Partner Sticker Fu. Use the code Sword1 and get 10% off thir awesomely geeky stickers!
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