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S&L Podcast - #70 - A Dance with 50-70 Percent of the Dragons

We're not done with the old George R.R. Martin book just yet, but we actually got a chance to see the guy in person, and met some of you folks too!  And ate Mexican Food! We have no complaints about life now. Except for the series Alphas


Stannis and Melisandre cast for GAME OF THRONES

Davos joins THRONES

Tad Williams talks to George R.R. Martin

Pottermore launches competition to select beta users

Alastair Reynolds to pen DOCTOR WHO novel

Attack the Block makes fighting aliens cool again

World Science Fiction Travel Fund


8/2/2011 The Diviner by Melanie Rawn

8/2/2011 Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

8/9/2011 The Magician King: A Novel by Lev Grossman


A Dance with Dragons > Loss of Focus (I just don't care anymore)

Finished Series (read last two or three posts

TV and Movies

Alphas, more like Al-Blahs

Falling Skies is on (Spielberg produced)

Harry Potter 7 Part 2 (spoilers?)


A Dance with 50%-70% of the Dragons


I don't know if you talked about this before, but it always irks me that you're using percentages when talking about how far along you are in an ebook. Perhaps you should solicit suggestions for a word that defines an ebook page in your forum. Here's my suggestion:

Fage |fāj|
a page in an ebook reader or ebook application of arbitrary size. I'm currently on fage 364 of 1,663 in The Wise Man's Fear iBook. ORIGIN early 21st century: from English fake page.



Hi Tom and Veronica!

I was wondering if you were planning to have another Sword and Laser meet up in Atlanta during DragonCon?

From Jenny C.


Gary, Andy, Fattius, Clifford, Jay, Michelle, Gabriel, Mike, Tom, Chaines72, Jeremy, Dustin, Austin, Roger, Karen, William, Skip, Chris, Paul, Nathaniel, Andrew, Max, Antti, Ewan, Michael, Alyssa, Trike!


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S&L Podcast - #70 - A Dance with 50-70 Percent of the Dragons

Reader Comments (1)

Just wanted to toss out a recommendation for a really descent SciFi-ish book I recently finished. Check out Cinco de Mayo by Michael Martineck. I picked it up off Amazon after my brother recommended it.

August 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeith

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