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S&L Podcast - #111 - Shhh! Science fiction is tired

Is science fiction exhauasted?  It has a had a hard century's work.  We'll examine that, invite you to read some banned books, and smell Veronica's feet. Don't let that last one put you off. We also kick off Cloud Atlas.


Tom: Racer 5 
Veronica: Fridge was empty


Cloud Atlas Kick-off video coming at the end of this week
Great resource for Cloud Atlas 


I have always been an avid reader but not a fantasy/sci-fi reader until I started to listen to your audio podcast, I came by the way of Buzz Out Loud.  Listening to ya'll talk about the Game of Thrones so much made me decide I had to give a shot, well I started reading them in July and am over half way through the 5th book now we are also watching the HBO series.  I wanted to thank you for introducing me to such a great series that I otherwise would have missed and to send you some pictures that I think of every time the talk about the old gods in the weirwood trees.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/82006512@N00/8037943720/in/photostream/ These pictures are from Orr Park in Montevallo, Alabama were a local artist by the name of Tingle has been carving in the deadwood trees since at least 1993.  Just had to share these pics with ya'll.
Love the show,
Laura Boggs
Montevallo, Alabama


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S&L Podcast - #111 - Shhh! Science fiction is tired

Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for the shout-out! :)

RE: Where I get my ideas from:
I take a look at some current book releases, and see if they use themes that folks (particularly newcomers, like I suspect most Kirkus Reviews reader are) might find confusing. Some of the entries emerge because they are related to other terms. Then I mine definitions from various sources: the sf encyclopedia, books like Brave New Words [Prucher] an Science in Science Fiction [Bly], and yes, the Internet.
October 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn D.
great podcast guys! and congrats again Mrs Belmont! yup im super jealous at how fast felica day reads its so unfair!!! Im a slow reader which is really really frustrating because I have like 10 books lined up to read at least!! I also have the same problem of passing out as soon as I get into bed and only read about one line if im lucky lol
October 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJane

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