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S&L Podcast - #106 - Interview with Michael A. Stackpole

Veronica's on a beach in Hawaii but found a TARDIS or something, so we have an incredibly confusing discussion about ethics, and then an incredibly awesome discussion with author Michael Stackpole.  Join us, won't you?


You are Spot On - It's impossible to carry enough fuel (in the fusion reactor, this fuel is in the form of fuseable pellets) to power a generation ship for hundreds of years at full thrust.
The Nauvoo's mid section is actually an enormous drum that creates spin gravity after the initial acceleration. This becomes an important plot point in book 3.
- Ty Franck
Best known for his Star Wars and Battletech books. 


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S&L Podcast - #106 - Interview with Michael A. Stackpole

Reader Comments (1)

In quick response to your question, should you start and wrap up books on the podcast, I want to say, no. I want to say I listen to both the Podcast and your Yourtube show, and well done! I understand that sometimes discussions begun on one podcast may span across several podcasts. That's the nature of the beast, and some of the charm. If I want to stay up on the chat, I have to listen. Or in the forums, I have to go back and go forward to stay up on the conversations. I understand the Youtube presentation is different, it's not a podcast. But if all the information is presented then I don't see a reason to 'devote' time in both presentations. I don't know what the limitations are, but can't the Youtube presentation be offered as a podcast as well. The Copy-right-Gods-forbid, tipping my hat to "Year Zero", but I know there are tools out there that will take a Youtube video and make it into a MP3. Of course, for the record, I have never done that and I don't owe anyone anything so far as copyright infringement goes, and I am not from beyond the "Townshend Line" and I have never been to the "Wrinkle Vertex." And by way of a closer, we know where you are Rob Reid, we aren't paying and, "your dreams were your ticket out, Welcome back..."
July 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMathew Allen

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