In this episode, we learn how to control Veronica using the power of her "true name": Nathan! Like the hot dogs! We also talk about the fine art of seducing writers.
First of all, I love the show and I'm excited to be a part of your book club. I'd just like to thank you for this month's pick. I must admit I had my reservations about the novel (I'm not a huge fan of first person narration.) But I was quite surprised by how quickly the pages were turning. I was at the Half-Price bookstore and on page 13 when my brother showed me what he'd intended to buy. The Playstation version of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. Then it occurred to me I should try to read the book using Simon Templeman's voice as an older Fitz relating his childhood. The book went from pretty interesting to nothing short of awesome. The voice of Kain going through your head and narrating a tale of a boy's travails as he learns the trade of killing people? What's not to love? Anyway, I thought you'd get a kick out of that. Once again, thank you so much for the pick. I can't wait to see how it turns out. Take care guys.
Yours truly,
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I would like to see movies made of Elizabeth Moon's books as well as Larry Correia's Monster hunter trilogy. David Eddings book series the Belgariad would work great as childrens/YA movies.
My last name means "Mountain spring", or alternatively "Mountain power".
Reader Comments (1)
David Eddings book series the Belgariad would work great as childrens/YA movies.
My last name means "Mountain spring", or alternatively "Mountain power".
Enjoyed the podcast.