Entries in sciencefiction (5)

S&L Podcast - #82 - On Fire

This week we talk about the newest eReader from Amazon, as well as why we hold on to those old paper books, and we wrap-up Reamde (spoiler alert!) and kick off a new book!


Kindle Fire is out! - our thoughts on e-readers

Keeping Physical Books in a Digital Age

Fiction can possibly alter personality



Did you list past reads when you joined Goodreads?

Biting off more then you can read


Everything You Missed in the Hunger Games Trailer: 40 Awesome Images!


Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
Tentative Finish Date: January 2

BOOK WRAP-UP (Kind of)

Reamde by Neal Stephenson


Hi Tom & Veronica,

A few weeks ago, Ian Tregillis wrote an interesting blogpost about the upcoming publication of his second book "The Coldest War". Here's the link to his blog for the full story.

To sum it all up, he announced that the audiobook would be released on December 20, 2011 on audible.com. So I thought we could add it the calendar. For the ebook and ""dead-tree"" editions however, we will have to wait until June or July 2012. - Nicolas


Nadine, Duncan, John, Kendrick, Jason, Al, Isaiah, Roman, Robert, Sarah, Mary, Ed, Michel, John-Paul, Justyna, Chip, Davis, Austin, Mitch, Beelissa, Brian, Eric A., Ryan, Lexy, Martin, Joey, Fiona, LS, Nicholas, Suhail, Joe, Chris, David, Phil


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 100,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audible.com/NGP

S&L Podcast - #82 - On Fire

S&L Podcast - #75 - FlashForward Wrap-up

We have a huge calendar to get through.  Some great books are coming out this month! Plus we wrap up Flash Forward by Robert J. Sawyer and with all the great conversations on Goodreads, we have a lot to say! Also a fruit fly died in the making of this episode.  He is survived by several thousand other fruit flies.


Book Review: The Man Who Found Zero: Early Science Fiction and Weird Fantasy from The Black Cat, 1896-1915

Twitter’s literary superstar, @MayorEmanuel, will tweet a science fiction short story tomorrow


9/13/2011 The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
9/13/2011 Prospero Regained, L. Jagi Lamplighter
9/13/2011 Highest Frontier, Joan Slonczewski
9/13/2011 How Firm a Foundation, David Weber
9/15/2011 War in Heaven by Gavin Smith
9/15/2011 Briarpatch, Tim Pratt
9/20/2011 Reamde, Neal Stephenson
9/20/2011 Goliath, Scott Westerfeld
9/22/2011 The Islanders by Christopher Priest
9/27/2011 Ganymede, Cherie Priest (Tor)
9/27/2011 The Hum and the Shiver, Alex Bledsoe
9/27/2011 The Immorality Engine by George Mann


Flash Forward by Robert J. Sawyer

Foreign Language Pet Peeves - Anne

Tech in 20 years - Vladimir

Determinism vs. free will - Josh

TV and Movies

World War Z begins filming in Glasgow - Nick

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Kevin


Hi Tom and Veronica,

Hey where do you get the info for the Calendar segment you have? Is it a website? I looked on Goodreads and didn't see anything related to that.

This would be a useful site to bookmark.


From Boston.


Hi Veronica and Tom,

I recently downloaded the .mobi version of United Moon Colonies from archive.org and was saddened by the formatting. The .mobi file kept all the ""United Moon Colonies"" headers and the pages numbers from the original file. The problem is that they must have been treated as plain text when the original file was converted in .mobi and .epub, so now they pop up right in the middle of sentences.

It really bothered me, I'm a bit OCD-ed sometimes : I like things neat. Because of this and the fact that I am not a big fan of pdf reading on the Kindle, I decided to reformat the whole thing to make it more comfortable for me to read. It took a bit of work but I think I straightened it all out. At least I hope I did, although I'm sure there must be a forgotten line break hidden somewhere.

Anyway, I may not be the only one bothered by the archive.org files, so I thought I'd submit these reformatted .mobi and .epub to you so that you may do with them as you please.

As for the cover, I used the one Sean submitted on the Goodreads thread, credit where credit is due :) It would be easy enough to change it back to the original one if needed.

Anyway, I thought it might interest you and might make the reading more enjoyable for other people. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Tom Merritt book to read :)

Keep up the good work.


United Moon Colonies ePub

United Moon Colonies .mobi


Matt, Xenphi, Mitch, Jon, Armando, Marc, Craythur, Judy, Cynthia, Jenny, Kevin, George, David, Roy, Carlos, Stephen, Paulo, Andrew, Officer Friendly, Heather and Mike.


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.

S&L Podcast - #75 - FlashForward Wrap-up

S&L Podcast - #60 - SciFi is hard

We discover a whole new world of books to add to our reading lists thanks to the Hugo award nominations, and we dive into further discussion about what makes for hard scifi. The answer is, well, difficult.



BSFA Awards

The GAME OF THRONES title sequence

10 of the most badass dragons ever


4/26/2011 Will Super Villains Be On the Final? Naomi Novik (Del Rey)
4/28/2011 Titus Awakes by Mervyn Peake and Maeve Gilmore
5/3/2011 The Inheritance by Robin Hobb
5/3/2011 Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris - A Sookie Stackhouse Novel
5/10/2011 Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi
5/10/2011 The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi (Tor)
5/17/2011 Embassytown by China Mieville


Is this truly 'hard' sci-fi?

How did you like the new Doctor Who show?


Blindsight by Peter Watts


I'm glad that I listened to your podcast. I also expected more out of the 1st episode, but welcomed the confusion/unanswered questions. I look forward & hope future episodes will fill in those blanks to keep me interested with new confusion/unanswered questions. I also agree about the 15 minutes before the premiere, what was that supposed to be anyway? LOL

I was about to get the books or ebooks to read, seriously thinking about it anyway. After listening to your podcast & hearing about the differences, I think that would add unwanted confusion. I'm not a S&L frequent listener or fantasy book reader, I wanted to hear about Game of Thrones. I may decide to hold off on the show & decide to read the book anyway. Then watch the series. Not sure yet. Probably normal having differences between the book & series, but it's new to me. At least I know not to read while watching.

Thanks for the education.



Hey, V&T...

Hate to sound like a PR flack (I'm not...just a reader) but I stumbled upon a real gem of a story at the Kindle store called ""Out Of The Dark"" by first-time author Lee Doty, and was impressed enough to write to you guys about it.

I took away hints of Neil Gaiman and Neal Stephenson, a big helping of Jim Butcher, a pinch of Tim Powers, and some essence of Elmore Leonard (all favorite authors), but this rookie manages to retain his own strong voice...and with humor no less!

Mr. Doty displays the writing chops of a veteran...pacing, character development, dialogue...all first class. No lasers, but swords, martial arts, and unconventional firearms are all employed to great effect without overwhelming the storyline.

According to his Kindle page he's a certified geek (programmer) who wrote this novel during the daily train commute to and from his day job, and he's self-published on the Kindle (good angles for an interview?)

Judging by the Kindle discussion board he's still enthusiastic enough to answer all his readers' emails personally.

Read the book for sure, but think about getting him on the podcast as well.

Cheers. Jon


This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 75,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature, including fiction, non-fiction and periodicals. For a free audiobook of your choice, go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.


S&L Podcast - #60 - SciFi is hard