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#019 - S&L Podcast: Talking Daemon with Rick Klau!

We're very pleased this week to have Rick Klau, product manager at Blogger, as a guest to talk about the book Daemon. Rick is friends with author Daniel Suarez and gives some insight into the books creation and the long road to publishing.

We also give our impressions of the book. Which we probably didn't make clear enough, that we absolutely LOVED it. There are some good threads discussing Daemon in our Ning group. If you want to jump in try the "How would you have ended it differently?" thread or the thread discussing the encrypted text at the end of the book.

Congrats to Mark who may have accidentally won our copy of Dune. Although it looks like he actually meant to enter after I'm looking at the thread post-show.

Next book will be by George R. R. martin. But which one? You can weigh in on our pick the Martin book thread.

#019 - S&L Podcast: Talking Daemon with Rick Klau!

Reader Comments (3)

great show, amazing job on getting people close to the author and possibly even the author himself on the podcast, the movie news are great too, just hoping it gets a huge budget :)

May 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergoogleman81

Good show, guys. :) I really liked the interview.

Sadly for GRRM fans, he's only written 4 of the planned 7 books of the series in A Song of Ice and Fire.

Veronica, since you've read the Twilight books, just be prepared for the movie to be exactly like the book--light on content and thin on story at best. Also, the book could take pages to explain how much of an emo brat Bella (and everybody else) was, the movie captures all that with dark, sulky looks. But, if you don't have high expectations, the movie, like the books, can be entertaining enough. Just check your brain at the door.

May 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterterpkristin

Will there be a new podcast to announce the next book, or how will we know? :)

June 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny aka sh1mm3r

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