Aaron Harvey from our Ning forums created this amazing "book cover" for Sword and Laser! I think it marries the science fiction and fantasy genres perfectly! I also feel pretty honored that Aaron took the time to create something so cool for the community.
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for the shout out, Veronica! It's a variation (and addition) to something I have on my website--it was fun to revisit and re-imagine! It also gave me something to do while I wait for Daemon to arrive. Why did I not go buy the book at the store across the street? Because I love the internet. Um, yeah.
It might be kinda cool to have so inclined people re-design the cover of the current read on S&L. I think Cory Doctorow has people do that with his books.
Keep up the great work and looking forward to the next podcast!
So is this our next selection?
You should get an isolated version of that logo and use it for the Podcast cover art. I suppose you could use the whole image, but it would look pretty squashed on an iPod.
This is great :)
Love it!
That is awesome... I smell iTunes album art.