We loved A Game of Thrones, but you'll have to listen to find out why. We also get into fantasy metal songs with a metal expert, and report some news on the Game of Thrones on HBO.
Game of Thrones Wikis
Unnoficial Songs of Ice and Fire
A Wiki of Ice and Fire
But Tower of the Hand is much much better! Thanks Padwen!
Game of Thrones being shot for HBO Sean Bean cast as Lord Eddard.
A Game of Thrones card game.
BARE YOUR SWORD - feedback from the audience
What Was Robert's Rebellion Really About (Minor Spoilers, Major Speculation)
Check out these lizards they've discovered that swim through sand in the Sahara. They didn't mention it, but I'm guessing they smell like cinnamon. :)
Love the Show,
Dave in Portland
Abner Senires sings amazing parody songs... this one is about the Kwisatz Haderach.
ENGAGE - Interviews with interesting characters
Talking to Charles Davis, from Metal Gamer and the Chizzle and Dizzle show.
Holy Thunder Force: Charles dares you not to air guitar to this one.
Rain of a Thousand Flames: This the one that has a nude woman in it, but Charles assures us, it is definitely the most ridiculous one they have made.
Unholy WarCry: 10 minutes long and the one that has Christopher Lee dressed in a giant king costume.
Magic of the Wizard's Dream: Charles says it's not that interesting of a music video, but it's the one he mentioned that has Christopher Lee singing on it.
QUICK BURNS - unrelated news of the month
Download DroidMaker for free
1969 Hugo Awards. Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins received a Hugo Award in 1969 for The Best Moon Landing Ever. Also Novella "Dragonrider" by Anne McCaffrey [Analog Dec 1967,Jan 1968]
Tagline Contest
Come up with a tagline for The Sword and Laser! The winner will have their words emblazoned on the back of our new t-shirts, which will be making their debut at Dragon*Con this September!" Email theswordandlaser@gmail.com by Wednesday July 29.
Reader Comments (54)
I'm so glad you 2 liked the book. I can't wait to see this on HBO.
George wrote for tv in the past too; Beauty and the Beast and Twilight Zone (newer one). He talked about it when he used to have a podcast.
great show!
I'm really happy you guys liked AGoT so much. This series is probably my all-time favorite series (so far, anyway), and I'd have felt slightly guilty if you guys didn't like it, like I (and the others here) had steered you wrong.
It's funny, I never thought about the orbit of the planet in GRRM's world as an influencing factor in the weather and the extremely long summers, I've always taken them as part and parcel with the magic of the world. However, when Tom started talking about it, my first thought was like his, the inclination of the planet, along with something truly nerdy--Kepler's Third Law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler%27s_laws_of_planetary_motion#Third_law It's entirely possible that one or both contribute to the funny seasons. Of course, without knowledge of size of the planet, the inclination, or any other info (geography relative to an equator, for example), this is only speculation...but that's probably more than enough nerdiness.
Veronica, if you ever decide to get a dragon tattoo, I'd hope you keep us posted or post photos. I've got 2 tattoos right now, and have had plans in the works for 2 more--one a dragon, another a phoenix--and am always interested in what others choose to use for their art. :)
Btw GRRM's Dreamsongs I & II hardcovers are on sale at Barnes & Noble for 7$ each. It's worth it for the section introductions alone. In case you don't have enough to read. ;)
I love the series though it does requires you pay attention ...Brain Age with words.
I defie anyone who knows Brit History (War of the Roses) not reading Lancaster for Lannister once in a while!
It's a great series but the author especially lately takes too long to come out with new books. Considering the complexity, it's hard to dredge up memories when its been years between books. He also said in the last book that he'd split it up for two books but the second book that was presubably mostly done has yet to be seen. I can appreciate the creative spirit but like it or not writing for a living is a business. He doesn't seem to treat it like it is.
Fantasy Flight Games also published a book of some of the best art from their cardgame. I believe it is called 'The Art of a Song of Ice and Fire'. I'm not sure if it is still in print or not, but you can get some of the better pictures without having to buy the various expansions.
Song of Ice and Fire is such a great series to read. Also highly recommended are the audiobooks. Roy Doltrice narrates the first three, and I have to rank him up there are least as high as Jim Dale (who did the Harry Potter books). He does hundreds of voices and is such a great story teller.
I've listened to the audiobooks a couple of times each before reading the next book in the series comes out just to catch up. I think audible has them and they are available for free via public libraries that participate in the Overdrive audiobook service (which is how I got them).
So if you like ASoIaF and also enjoy audiobooks, you need to do the audio :)
Админ я не могу зарегестрироваться может я просто не то делаю ?
I can see the logic in your argument but I think you've painted your strokes
Are you a professional journalist? You write very well.
Круто. Добавлю блог в избранное и друзьям посовету. Ждите новых читателей :)
Maki…as always, great post here.
I came across this when searching info on Google. I will use it to complete my report for this weekend, thanks for the info.
Thank you very much for that great article
Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.
потрясающие идеи...нам перенять бы ...великолепно.
"Прямо даже не верится"
Подскажите пожалуйста, конкретнее где можно посмотреть данную тематику, и подробное описание?
Очень полезный блог, автор всегда (почти) описывает актальные темы. Спасибо.
Всем трудно...
их больше было О_о
Interesting and informative. But will you write about this one more?
Промто ! ;) Сегодня по Спорту будет трансляции Матчи Уефа - Не пропустите ! Играют Центральный Спортивный Клуб Армии и Спартак.
Самое большое счастье в жизни - это уверенность в том, что тебя любят. - В. Гюго
Я отметила отлично :) нацепила на голову тыкву и бегала по улице.
I'd like to chip in a comment regarding your discussion of the weirdly long seasons in the "Song of Ice and Fire" series. I never thoughtfully decided what was going on with this planet, but subconsciously assumed that Winter and Summer (with capitals!) were periods of ice ages and uh...not ice ages. Like discussed in the podcast, this could be caused by an erratic axial tilt, or a bizarre orbit. Or maybe this place is a "young" planet, still heavily affected by meteor bombardment (red comet anyone?), major geologic upheavel, and rapidly changing weather patterns. This might also explain the appearance of new/strange peoples who may have come across bridges formed by the ice. Anyway, this theory would still allow for more minor changes that make enough of a change of season to get harvest, and periods of precipitation, and some way to mark the years.
"мысли здравые, но тяжело читать, не знаю почему"
Good article. Very well written