Entries in fantasy (19)

#015 - The S&L Podcast: We disagree!!

Turns out that just because Tom likes a book, doesn't mean Veronica will (she kinda hated it).  But we learned a lot about paranoia, and Polish communism. So it's not a total loss. Meanwhile we have determined that the podcast should be a once a month affair.  So get ready for regularity!  We'll be like the monthly bran in your reading  diet. And we hope to have interviews.  With real people. And some robots.

What we're reading
Tom is busy reading some not sci fi book by Evelyn Waugh (Officers and Gentlemen) and still making his way through Droidmakers.

Veronica is busy with David Eddings "Belgarath the Sorcerer" which is a continuation of the Belgariad and Malloreon.

Battlestar Galactica coming back tomorrow night!

Wheel of Time video game appears to be rolling onto the scene.

Our book pick

In honor of the WoT video game, we'll read the first in that series.
Eye of the World

#015 - The S&L Podcast: We disagree!!

#010 - The S&L Podcast: OMG Bunnies!


Tales of Beetle the Bard to be published Dec. 4

She will donate all monies to the Children’s Voice campaign.  Amazon plans to produce 100 copies with the intention to duplicate the original look and feel of the book Amazon bought from her at auction for collectors that will go for $100 (recoup some of that money back) and the 157 page book will also have additional illustrations from the author. The standard edition will retail for $12.99

i09 debate: Magic vs. Science

Watership Down

First novel by Richard Adams
Published in 1972
Was rejected by 13 publishers but has never been out of print since first published.
Watership Down began as a story that Richard Adams told to his two children, Juliet and Rosamund, on a long car journey.
Based on he Private Life of the Rabbit (1964), by British naturalist Ronald Lockley
Anti-feminist?  Misogynistic?
Adapted into a film in 1978.
Also made into a TV series in the UK int he early 1990s and a theater production as well.

Ning Forum Reviews

Tayo - I just read "Feast of Souls" by C. S. Friedman and I cant recommend it highly enough. Fantastic. One of the most original new fantasies I have read since "Sabriel" by Garth Nix.

Simon - I have just finished reading the Terry Goodkind series 'Sword of Truth' and thought that I should tell you all that it was MEGA. Also if anyone has read this series then can you advise who to read next. I'm a bit stuck for ideas.


We're giving away a Logitech USB Headset! Want it? Get creative! Write us a ONE LINE CLOSING SENTENCE to a science fiction or fantasy novel. See our last contest for a sample of a good opening line! We'll put the top choices up for a vote!

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Journey to a world beyond words with Audible Sci-Fi & Fantasy. Check out Audible for exclusive access to your favorite sci-fi and fantasy authors and exclusive commentary.  In addition, the new imprint, Audible Frontiers features new and sometimes previously unavailable audio books made available for the first time in audio.  Click here for a free trial offer and get your first audio book free.

#010 - The S&L Podcast: OMG Bunnies!

S&L Book 7: Watership Down

Watership Down by Richard Adams is one of the first novels I remember reading (by myself, that is). I also remember being horrified, amazed, and entranced by it. It's definitely a classic, and I've always wanted to pick it up again and see how it affects me as an adult.

No voting this time! In case you missed the podcast last time around, we're making it a dictatorship instead of a democracy for this cycle. If there are other books you'd rather read, please do and tell us all about them in the forums! Otherwise, I really hope you enjoy this selection. You can find it in our store, or your local library!